Submit your story and images
We are looking for your stories, related materials about Wesley Church, the Centre and the Tondu area in general.
Things like:
- Images of people or places.
- Memories, in written form, or even recorded.
- Photographs of things on paper like maps, documents, certificates and even things connected with people’s work, such as old pay slips or time sheets.
- Photographs of dedication pages in family bibles. Photographs of objects.
- Any connection with the railway and the brickworks in Tondu. Things like railway timetables or tickets.
- Things connected with the church itself, for example photographs of weddings held there in years gone by.
- Photographs connected with Jerusalem chapel, which was the only other chapel in Tondu village, and of other churches and chapels in the area which are now gone such as the Wesleyan Chapel and Trinity Chapel in Aberkenfig.
- Photographs or memories of Tondu racecourse.
- Names of people or families connected with Tondu.
- Family trees.
- Details of any books or articles about Tondu and district.
We plan to put as much of your material as we can in this Archive section of the website to show off our rich and varied history.
Please email us your information to
We will get back to you with how we might be able to use your information.
Please do not send attachments with your inital email. We will get back to you with the details of formats and sizes we can accept for the site.